WE ARE OPEN AND HERE TO HELP: The Courts Are Presently Closed Except for Emergency Situations and New Arrests. As Always, We’re Here for All Criminal Cases, DWI, Suspended License, Revoked License, Traffic Violations, and Domestic Violence Cases. We Also Do Family Court Criminal Cases; I've Successfully Argued in Nassau County to Have Numerous Felonies Transferred to the Family Courts. We’re Available for Phone Consultations and FaceTime Meetings as Well!
David Mirsky
David Mirsky

When Mischief Gets Serious

criminal lawyer

Criminal mischief is one of the most common, nonviolent crimes that is committed in the state of New York. Even though these crimes are not violent,th ...

David Mirsky
David Mirsky

Child Pornography

criminal lawyer

Child pornography is a heinous offense against children, and nothing is more important than our kids. It’s easy to understand why prosecutors can be ...

David Mirsky
David Mirsky

The History of DWI


Every state outlaws drinking and driving, but New York was the first, and it’s still a state where you do not want to be accused of driving while in ...

David Mirsky
David Mirsky

Money Laundering


Since criminals cannot declare on their taxes (assuming they pay taxes) that they earned their money illegally and through criminal activity, they nee ...

David Mirsky
David Mirsky

Unlawful Surveillance


Peeping Toms. They’re often the butt of jokes by stand-up comedians, but the crime of Unlawful Surveillance in the Second Degree is no laughing matt ...

David Mirsky
David Mirsky

Prescription Drug Crimes

drug charges

As drug crimes lawyers, we know that when people think of drug crimes, they tend to think of marijuana, cocaine, heroin and other drugs, but the truth ...

David Mirsky
David Mirsky

Why Cops Lie

criminal lawyer

Why would a law enforcement officer lie in a courtroom? When you’re charged with a crime, and you’re innocent, the worst nightmare that can happen ...

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David M. Mirsky Law Office
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