WE ARE OPEN AND HERE TO HELP: The Courts Are Presently Closed Except for Emergency Situations and New Arrests. As Always, We’re Here for All Criminal Cases, DWI, Suspended License, Revoked License, Traffic Violations, and Domestic Violence Cases. We Also Do Family Court Criminal Cases; I've Successfully Argued in Nassau County to Have Numerous Felonies Transferred to the Family Courts. We’re Available for Phone Consultations and FaceTime Meetings as Well!
David Mirsky
David Mirsky

Assault and Battery In New York

assault and battery

When we hear the term assault and battery, we think of a violent crime where someone has been injured. Assault and battery are not the same crime. The ...

David Mirsky
David Mirsky

Best Neighborhoods In Queens


What makes a neighborhood the best? What is best for you may not be ideal for someone else. We all try to gravitate to people that live our lifestyle. ...

David Mirsky
David Mirsky

Best Pizza In Queens


You have to be really brave to open a pizzeria in Queens, New York. Why? Because if there is one thing New Yorkers are serious about, it is their pizz ...

David Mirsky
David Mirsky

Best Restaurants In Mineola


You can tell a lot about a town by the restaurants that are built there. Mineola has a diverse population. Mineola has its share of upper-scale restau ...

David Mirsky
David Mirsky

Best Restaurants In Queens


It is almost impossible to list which of the restaurants in the Queens area, is the “best.” When you are trying to choose which are the best Itali ...

David Mirsky
David Mirsky

Best Breakfast In Mineola


If you love to go out for breakfast, you have some great places to choose from in Mineola, NY. This list takes into consideration how good the food ta ...

David Mirsky
David Mirsky

Defenses for Domestic Violence

domestic violence

If there is one place in the United States that you do not want to go to court for a domestic violence charge, it is New York. The court systems are o ...

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David M. Mirsky Law Office
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