WE ARE OPEN AND HERE TO HELP: The Courts Are Presently Closed Except for Emergency Situations and New Arrests. As Always, We’re Here for All Criminal Cases, DWI, Suspended License, Revoked License, Traffic Violations, and Domestic Violence Cases. We Also Do Family Court Criminal Cases; I've Successfully Argued in Nassau County to Have Numerous Felonies Transferred to the Family Courts. We’re Available for Phone Consultations and FaceTime Meetings as Well!
David Mirsky
David Mirsky

Mechanics In Mineola


We take as much care in choosing our automobile mechanics as we do our doctor. After our homes, our automobiles are our largest investments. They cost ...

David Mirsky
David Mirsky

Notable People From Mineola


Mineola is an important part of New York history.  In 1900, Governor Theodore Roosevelt laid the cornerstone for the new County Seat to be built in M ...

David Mirsky
David Mirsky

Parks In Queens


Queens is located at the southwestern end of Long Island. It the largest of the 5 boroughs in New York City. Queens was one of the original 12 countie ...

David Mirsky
David Mirsky

Best Pizza In Mineola


If you live in New York, you know a thing or two about pizza. New Yorkers are famous for their pizza. Mineola has its share of places to grab a great ...

David Mirsky
David Mirsky

Symptoms Of Drug Addiction

drug trafficking

No one wakes up one day and says, “I think I will become a drug addict.” It happens gradually, and it happens in every social class, in every coun ...

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David M. Mirsky Law Office
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